Well this was the view from the verandah of our beautiful unit at Lake Crackenback Resort. What a wonderful place. The units are set out over the water (yes that is mist on the water beacuse it was soooo cold). You can see the snow on the mountains from your verandah and it is just beautiful.
Well the trek was amazing and I could not recommend it highly enough to any hearty soul who likes to walk. It was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life and due to the large amount of snow that was unusually still there at this time of the year our progress in snow shoes was very slow indeed. I did unfortunately fall in the snowy river, which was beyond cold. So walking in those wet boots for 13 hours for 27km was an effort in itself but I got there in end (and yes i was right at the end). I was exhausted to the point of tears (bloody sook) and didnt think I would be able to keep that up for another day. But after a very sound nights sleep I managed to get up and go again walking another 13km and bagging Mt Kosciusko. The super fit amoungst us managed to go extra few km's and bag another few peaks but I took the soft option.
The scenery was amazing and I never thought I would be side stepping along a cliff edge above this beautiful frozen lake. I was taken outside my comfort zone so far I didnt think I would ever get back there. But now that I am home I am busting to go back again and have another go. Just a little less snow would be helpful.
Here we are on top of Mt Kosi. What an awesome group of people. Shame you can't recognise anyone as we are all rugged up from the very icy wind. But they are all such lovely lovely people. The other group of us were amazing too, they were off tackling some tougher peaks. This amazing group of people managed to raise over $36000 for Childhood Cancer Support. What a huge amazing effort. Thankyou for allowing me to be a part of this awesome adventure.
Now back to reality. Bummer....but at least I get to stitch without feeling guilty now. Have a great week xox