About Me

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I started stitching a few years ago thanks to a very dear friend. She has encouraged and taught me so much. I am the Mum of three great kids who I love dearly. I love to stitch in my spare time and even though I am a newbie I enjoy it very much.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

Nearly there - Stitch a long

Almost finished by stitch a long only three side of the final border left to put on.

It took me most of last weekend to get these together and put on put so good to see it coming together.

I managed to squeeze in time to finish off this small wallhanging for my Mum, it was supposed to be for Mothers Day whoops only a little late. I wont get anytime to sew this weekend. Oh well it will still be there next weekend and it is a long one. Yippee.


  1. So many borders!!! It will be great when you're finished. Cute wall hanging too.

  2. Beautiful stitching Sam and I love the name of your blog. Two of my favourite things stitching and teacups.
